Monday, December 6, 2010

कार्य तरक्की पे है

आज जब दुनिया में  हर जगह भारत देश अपनी पहचान बना चूका है . खो जो पे हमारा प्रयत्न यही है की हम अपने देश की मिटटी से जुडे रहे .
नया भारत, छुट्टियों में आज कल विदेश नहीं , उत्तर प्रदेश की वादियों में समय बिताना जादा पसंद करता है . लेकिन क्या इतना काफी है , इनफ़ोसिस के दिरेक्टोर श्री नंदन नील्कानी ने अमेरिकेन करिक्रुम में खूब बात कही, उन्होंने ने भारत देश की आबादी को अपने देश की कमी नहीं देश की शक्ति का नाम दिया है !
अब हमारा कर्त्तव्य भारत देश को दुनिया की छोटी में पहुचना ही नहीं , दुनिया को यह बताना है की हम ऊचाई पे पहुचने वाले सबसे खुश देश हैं, और समय के बदलाव ने हमारी संस्कृति और सभ्यता को अपने साथ बदला नहीं है.
खो जो अभी सिर्फ एक सोच है , जिससे हम लोगों को मिल के आगे बढ़ाना है . यह हमारी एक कोशिश है अपनी मात्र भूमि को कुछ वापस देना का. हमारे देश के अनदेखे लोगों की प्रतिभा को दुनिया के सामने रखना.
अगली बार जब आप कही छुट्टियां मानाने जायें, कोशिश कर के कुछ समय निकालें उन् लोगों के लिए जिनकी प्रतिभा को सरहाया नहीं गया है , जो कुछ फिरंगियों के कैमरे तक ही सीमित रह गयी हैं.
हमारा प्रयत्न सिर्फ नयी प्रतिभा ढूंढना नहीं है , उसको लोगों के सामने लाकर फकर्र करना भी है .
हमारा देश इतना बड़ा और देश वासी इतने गुनी हैं की यह में अकेले नहीं कर पोंगा, हमें मिल कर इस सपने को सच करना है.
बढे चलो !

Thursday, October 7, 2010

an iDiya beyond ' i '

Its been an exciting week at Kho-joe, With good response from our user's, the new updates on the website done and to top it all, the entry of khojoeteam in round two of the iDiya.

Little events, ordinary things, smashed and reconstituted. Imbued with new meaning. Suddenly they become the bleached bones of a story.
The God of Small Things

Photo Courtesy Maja
It was not more than an ordinary day when we decided to finally put our foot down and get ourselves involved in working towards our dream, a little selfish perhaps that "we could make it big". Today we stand in the middle of talent pool with bursting energy that needs only one outlet.

The selfish us has taken a back seat rather has been pushed to a corner seat by the overwhelming response we have received. So much talent, and no place to go ? This is no longer about us, soon we realized.

A few "key"words in google and About 502,000 results in 0.09 seconds, yet the folk dancer in Jaisalmer can only find herself being watched and recorded by a German tourist in the scorching sun.
Dancing might not be her hobby, but she sure is good at it, and with"India Shining (no not the BJP shine !) why should we leave a major chunk of our talent restricted only to a tourist's camera.

The idea here is not to make a platform for them to "flaunt" their talent, but for us to contribute to someone Else's success bit by bit (00100010101010000).

iDiya has inspired us to add another dimension to our work, perhaps a new mission statement " If you are there, so are we "; we will work towards making our service so widespread, no talent shall go unnoticed.

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Social Networking : The Open Inter or The Closed Intra

As I started writing this post, I wanted to be sure of what exactly is going on with my mind and here is what I found

Inter- refers to between things and intra- refers to within a group. For example, inter-group relations would mean relations between different groups, and intra-group relations would mean relations among people within a single group.

I helped design and create with the idea of going inter and intra on the same path,where talent finds talent. It is time that we stop creating individual pages and start making our own Inter-Solution, or a group of many Intra-Networks.

This would not only help us finally sculpt a network wherein finding a business would not only be about knowing where to buy the building tools from but also about knowing the place to get the best support technicians.

Ending up with a plan which does not expire when the product is made/delivered but to foresee the issues and be well prepared for them.

So the next time you decide to make a page on facebook or launch your own website, look around and find a network that can help you build it, this would not only reduce your effort but would provide bonus points for the "inter" connection.

Monday, August 2, 2010

7 5 2 - Hitting the Number

Kho-joe has been living for quite sometime now, and we would like to thank our fans for keeping it ever more active and alive.

These are exciting times for us who are overwhelmed by your response. We crossed the 500 mark the second day of the facebook page launch.

Kho-joe marching full throttle ahead and is already helping people find their true talent, but this is not where we stop, our goal is to be with you towards improving your talent and opening new doors of opportunities.

We encourage you all not to shy away from putting your talent on the centerstage of kho-joe, it is only when your talent is seen that it can be encouraged.

This is an unique opportunity for you to get unbiased opinion and the chance you have been waiting for.

Thank you for being with us !!

PS : Arrive in style, show the world your talent

Sign up now

Friday, July 23, 2010

Humble Me

Never in the past has a website dedicated itself to its user's and given them a chance to be what they really are.

Dreams are given wings at Kho-joe, one might not be a photographer outside his backyard, but that is an art which should be appreciated.

Why must we come under the big umbrella of photography !!

If you carry your own roof of talent, kho-joe is the platform for that unique you who is not overshadowed by the breadth of any category.

For the unique talent of 'Back-yard' Photography or 'KishoreDa songs singer', there is no humble category !!

Kho-joe , Discover your Talent !!

Thursday, July 15, 2010

Kho-Joe is Officially Open to All!

If you are good at something flaunt it! Use Internet to display your creative talent no matter where you are. Use Audio,Video,Image or Document to reflect the creativity in you.

Sign up today & Turn that Hobby into a Profession. Its Free!

Check out the 'Help Videos' uploaded on kho-Joe Channel.

Discover your hidden talent Now!!!